The Difficulty of The Half-SHTF

Most preppers have some kind of absolute SHTF scenario in the back of their mind – nuclear war, super-volcano, pandemic or mega-earthquake. And they are ready to run away and hide from the world until others fix things up.

A minor disaster is much more likely.

  • A hurricane that leaves you without electricity for a month
  • A snow storm where you can’t leave your home
  • A flood

But there is another category, where you aren’t quite sure if you should run away or not, the half-SHTF:

  • A coronavirus that seems to be under control
  • A failing economy with riots, crime and unrest

How many people need to be infected before you put your plans to action? Many people will need to balance their response with the need to work, to pay the mortgage. Literally gambling that they won’t catch it, to survive economically.

How bad does civil unrest need to become? How do you measure it? Anecdotes? Personal experience? Do you retreat to your safe spot, or move overseas?

What about friends and family who choose to stay put?

Both scenarios will have a tipping point. With a pandemic, that is when people are so scared that they stop going to work in great numbers. When police and health workers stay at home. When infrastructure isn’t maintained. When supermarkets close.

With an economic disaster, at some point, police might become overwhelmed, which means an instant increase in disorder.

Both scenarios offer the possibility of lock-down, where you are unable to leave the city.

The answer is easy for some. Already live in a rural, safe location. Already have years of supplies. Have a job you can do online, and have a skill that is needed in the real world, as a backup. But that is rare and lucky. Most of us will have to make decisions.



How Bad Can Coronavirus Get?

I’m keeping a close eye on this, personally, as this is one of the two most likely reasons for the SHTF, where survivalist tactics can mean life instead of death. The other is a solar super-storm.

Much is unknown about the virus, but the worst case scenario is quite easy to predict – and plan for.

  • The number of cases in China will rapidly accelerate. This is because the virus appears to be must easier to spread that other viruses, and has a longer incubation period, up to 2-3 weeks. The latest estimates are each infected person will infect 2.6 others. That is like rabbits breeding…
  • I can’t do the math, but 100K people infected and 5,000 dead in China is easily possible when it peaks. It could continue being a problem in China for many months
  • China will become completely isolated from the rest of the world. Nobody in, and nobody out. It will start with a smaller country banning all Chinese flights, with bigger countries following suit a few days after
  • Other countries will quarantine all January arrivals from China. If they don’t, it will spread.
  • The random nature of the spread of a virus means that a handful of non-Asian cities will be hard hit and need to take drastic measures.
  • Citizens of those cities might panic. Definitely expect food to disappear from supermarkets
  • Many workers in those cities will decide to stay at home, until the threat disappears. This could have unexpected consequences, for industries where minimum staff numbers are needed. For example, public transport and health care.

How Fake News Evolves

1. With each rewriting of the story, subtly change the words to create new meaning
2. Use headlines that exaggerate the actual story = clickbait. The worst use a different headline in social than the actual article has.

Today Freedom’s Phoenix relayed a story from Natural News that is 6 months old and very different to reality.

The article starts with:

California orders pastors to push LGBT activism… or else – transgender tyranny to become the rule of law
The Golden State has decided to scrap the First Amendment with the passage of a new resolution that forbids religious leaders from opposing homosexuality from the pulpit.

Pretty powerful words, and not one part of the headline or first paragraph is true.

What has actually happened is that the Californian Legislature has politely asked churches to not promote conversion therapy. This is a request, not a law. And churches can continue to oppose homosexuality if they wish.

This measure would call upon all Californians to embrace the individual and social benefits of family and community acceptance, upon religious leaders to counsel on LGBTQ matters from a place of love, compassion, and knowledge of the psychological and other harms of conversion therapy, and upon the people of California and the institutions of California with great moral influence to model equitable treatment of all people of the state.

Clues to Fake News:

  • Not the original source
  • On sites like Natural News that have a biased agenda
  • No links to the source, if not a reputable news agency
  • Sounds like something the MSM would have told you, if it was true
  • Has a conspiracy angle – 99.9% of conspiracy theories are misguided or made up

Jamal Khashoggi

Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi dissident who was brutally killed at the Saudi embassy, was probably a good guy. I’m not disputing that at all.

His family, and their connections, were quite different. I’m guessing that enabled him to access the level of information he needed to be feared by the authorities…

All via Wikipedia:

  • Jamal Khashoggi was the nephew of the high-profile Saudi Arabian arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, known for his part in the Iran–Contra scandal, who was estimated to have had a net worth of US$4 billion in the early 1980s.
  • Khashoggi was the first cousin of Dodi Fayed, who was dating Diana, Princess of Wales, when the two were killed in a car crash in Paris.
  • According to David Ignatius, Khashoggi was in his early 20s “a passionate member of the Muslim Brotherhood”.
  • Khashoggi was acquainted with Osama bin Laden in the 1980s and 1990s in Afghanistan while bin Laden was championing his jihad against the Soviets.
  • Khashoggi interviewed bin Laden several times, usually meeting bin Laden in Tora Bora, and once more in Sudan in 1995

Uncle Adnan seems to have been connected to the top arms and drug dealers of the world, as well as having close ties with Imelda Marcos.



Recent Mass Shootings in the USA

Because I monitor (and sometimes participate) in conspiracy talk, I’ve probably looked into mass shootings more than most.

Apart from school shootings by students of that school, there isn’t really a pattern in who the targets are. In recent times it has been cinema-goers, 6-year-olds, gays, Jews, Mexicans, Muslims, music-lovers and so on. I think it is fair to say that looking at who is being targeted won’t be the answer.

That also means non blaming Trump. Yes, he might be the reason that the latest madman targeted Mexicans. While Trump is unlikely to have created such hatred in someone, he certainly could have legitimised it.

There are definite commonalities that should be looked at:

Semi-automatic weapons. Without a doubt these cause the numbers of casualties to be very high, very quickly. And there are no legitimate needs for Americans to own such weapons. Banning them will definitely reduce the numbers of dead and injured. It won’t stop many of these shootings, as people will just use less efficient weapons.

Mental illness. These days mental illness pretty much covers any not-normal activities. So whether they are schizophrenics or not, they are still ill. Anyone who thinks killing 50 people is justifiable, will find an excuse to do it. If it isn’t Trumps anti-immigrant rhetoric, and it will something else, like work colleagues (the traditional “going postal”.

Police response. Definitely the swifter responses save more lives.

Gun free zones. Some killers are deliberately selecting locations where armed civilians are less likely to intervene.

Happening more and more. It is possible that the publicity of the killings makes the next ones more likely, as the idea has more opportunity to become a fixation in some minds. While this is why suicides of non-famous people doesn’t make the news, we can’t stop the reporting of these crimes.

Fame / platform. There is an alarming trend towards the offenders accepting arrest without a shootout or suicide. They seem to want to bask in the what they have done.

Not new. While they are on the rise, these killings are not a new thing. Which means they cannot solely be blamed on any recent changes in society. And it also means that no single measure will end these acts any time soon. We can only lessen the frequency and damage.

White privileged males. The #1 commonality is the the culprits are white, disgruntled males. It is clear that these are people who grew up to believe their life would be better than it is. We don’t see an immigrant woman working three jobs shooting random strangers. She doesn’t have unrealistic expectations of what her life should be.

I have a feeling that they are mostly not in relationships, not happily employed, not raising children, and not well off. Such people will always exist. The issue is that they feel the deserve better. The “incels” are the public face of such people.

Although we have been conditioned to believe that non-white Americans are not improving their socio-economic status, I think they are perceived to be*, and the “incels” are noticing. They are seeing a bigger racial mix in entertainment, in sport, at work. They are sensing that the white privilege is disappearing. Primarily popular music has become more black (see below, they are dominating the Billboard Top 10), and we all know that rappers love to flaunt wealth and women in their videos.


And I can’t think of many countries where this change is so pronounced, where a racist past is appearing to give way to non-white prosperity. In South Africa the divide between whites and others is still immense. In the UK non-whites are improving socially and economically, but the UK doesn’t have such a racist past of slavery.

So, these are the reasons IMO, all partial factors, none the only factor:

  • Social media – spreading of hate messages, the ability to broadcast your thoughts, and the amplification of your beliefs through platforms feeding you more of the same
  • Weapon access
  • Historic slavery
  • Rap videos – a direct response to slavery, showing they have overcome disadvantages
  • Populist politics


  • Removal of war weapons from citizens
  • Less segregation, more integration. American is still a country divided by wealth, race, politics and religion. It is harder to hate those who you spend time with
  • More love. Ideally get girlfriends for “incels”. Volunteers?

Conclusion: Incels with access to powerful weapons, brought up to believe they deserve better, are sore losers reacting to the “success” they see in rap videos, powered by the feedback loops in mass and social media.

* except for education, nothing has improved for African Americans in the last 50 years.

Planets Affect The Sun Spot Cycle

This has been ruled out previously, as the mechanism was unknown. Scientists have now discovered that:

The tidal forces of Venus, Earth and Jupiter produce a gravitational pull that can cause changes to the plasma on the surface of the sun. These forces are at their strongest when there is a maximum alignment of the three planets—an event that takes place once every 11.07 years.

The researchers compared observations of solar activity over the last 1,000 years with the planetary alignment—and found the two are indeed linked. “There is an astonishingly high level of concordance,” Frank Stefani, lead author of the study, said in a statement. “What we see is complete parallelism with the planets over the course of 90 cycles. Everything points to a clocked process.”

They argue that a physical effect that can change the behavior of a liquid or plasma—known as the Tayler instability—could be responsible.

Killer Solar Storms Are Real


When studying solar storms, the Carrington Event of 1859 always comes up as an example of how bad they can be.

  • Telegraph systems failed and even caught fire
  • Auroras were seen in Hawaii and Mexico

Not much else happened. But had the event occurred today (a similar storm happened in 2012, but missed Earth), it would be much different. Great lengths of metal are affected – back then that was the telegraph. Today it is power lines. Countries with long distance powerlines like Russia, China, Australia, Canada and USA could all face blackouts that last years (because spare transformers are not routinely kept). Gas pipelines can also be destroyed. Satellites can be wrecked. Which means GPS fails, with severe repercussions. And literally millions of people would die.

Well, the Carrington Event was not the only event of that magnitude. By looking at ice cores and tree rings, scientists have determined additional geomagnetic storms in modern history:

  • 993 AD
  • 774 AD
  • 660 BC

If one thousand years ago the events could be 220 years apart, are you confident they can’t happen 160 years apart today?







John McAfee “Compressed Hydrogen” Gun

This guy is like the alt Donald Trump. Actually self-made rich, but actually batshit crazy and has lived a life that makes Trump look like a Mummy’s boy. President for 2020? Nothing is impossible.

Here he is promoting a “compressed hydrogen” gun, which isn’t a real thing. Compare it with the second video, and it is clearly a air pistol that fires blanks.


Jamal Khashoggi

Image result for Jamal Khashoggi

Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi dissident who was brutally killed at the Saudi embassy, was probably a good guy. I’m not disputing that at all. His family, and their connections, were quite different. I’m guessing that enabled him to access the level of information he needed to be feared by the authorities… All via Wikipedia:

  • Jamal Khashoggi was the nephew of the high-profile Saudi Arabian arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, known for his part in the Iran–Contra scandal, who was estimated to have had a net worth of US$4 billion in the early 1980s.
  • Khashoggi was the first cousin of Dodi Fayed, who was dating Diana, Princess of Wales, when the two were killed in a car crash in Paris.
  • According to David Ignatius, Khashoggi was in his early 20s “a passionate member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • Khashoggi was acquainted with Osama bin Laden in the 1980s and 1990s in Afghanistan while bin Laden was championing his jihad against the Soviets. Khashoggi interviewed bin Laden several times, usually meeting bin Laden in Tora Bora, and once more in Sudan in 1995

Uncle Adnan was one of the worlds top arms dealers, and was connected to the top drug dealers, as well as having close ties with Imelda Marcos.

My Ideal Safe Spot

Almost two decades of thought have gone into this…

A slope, for water to flow down via gravity

Fertile soil… if not, I can make any reasonable soil fertile with certain crops and a few years

Permission. You can’t have the law shut you down. My local council, the answers are making animal shelters (that you use), or multiple structures that are less than the minimum size that requires planning permission

A stealth camper van. Park it in any unrestricted parking in a city and sleep. Park in on your own property and not get done for the crap laws about camping on your own land.

Teepees. Separate from electricity and anything tech or artificial. Just you, your loved ones, canvas and nature

Internet – need to make $$$

People – the more that subscribe to your “anarchy”, the more fun it will be
