ARC Conference

Billed as some to be the anti-WEF it is nothing of the sort. Possibly it is a platform for powerful people who were, for whatever reason, rejected by the WEF. Looking at their advisory board, there is a strong leaning towards being anti-woke and anti-climate change, two things that WEF see as not fitting in with the modern ways of the world.

It might be that it is financed by Legatum Capital, who seem to have ties with Russia (many rich people have had business with Russia, that doesn’t definitively make them bad), and the Middle East, where they are based. Their founder is self-made and his rise to the top is through either massive good luck in investment picks, or by going down pathways like bribery and skullduggery.

Alan McCormick, of Legatum, runs upstart right-wing nut job TV channel GB News…

This caught my eye:

we have an elite class in the West scaring the daylights out of us; always looking for the bad in things; undermining our self-confidence by trying to make us fearful of the future or ashamed of our history and our culture. Somehow their solutions always involve more power for them. Accountability and sympathy for the rest of us are not really their thing.

I read that as being proud of the imperialist days.

These aren’t Illuminati or Mysterious Elders. They are right-wing racist, imperialist, fossil-fuel investors wanting to network. They are probably wanna-be weapons dealers.

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