Handcuff Keys?

This survival product is rarely mentioned. Most people won’t be able to test if it works until they need it, but at least it is cheap and easy to stash.

Handcuff Key


Scenario: you are doing your best to escape from a dangerous scenario, and do-good cops decide you aren’t being a good citizen. They handcuff you and head off to arrest more rebels. You pull your key out of your sleeve/socks/jacket zip, unlock the cuffs and flee.

Quality Go Bag

There are a million ways of configuring a “go bag”, and often the differences come down to product quality.

Don’t worry about the backpack itself, any pack costing say $30+ will be durable enough – if you are on the run for weeks then you need to question your tactics.

Essential items are:

  • water purification – I prefer to have an immediate solution like a LifeStraw, as well as purification tablets for when I am not on the go
  • a knife – enough quality that it won’t break when you really need it
  • signalling – mirror or whistle
  • shelter – a poncho has many uses and takes up little space
  • food – you can last weeks without food but energy could be difference between achieving survival or not
  • first aid – some medicine and bandages could be worth their weight in gold
  • paracord – because you can


At Sigma III Survival School they have a pre-made pack that ticks most of the above boxes, and the rest you can just add. I’d prefer to build my own, but ordering this one just takes a couple of mouse clicks!

So, Ebola is now in your world…

Now is the time to start considering how you will react when Ebola is in your neighbourhood/country/part of the world.

If you wait until everyone else has the same idea, your access to supplies will be limited.

You will need to isolate yourself (and loved ones) from the world for an extended period. Thankfully these days you can keep an eye on news and know when the threat has subsided. However, it could be months or even longer than a year.

To achieve this you will need:

  • No obligations – military commitments, mortgage payments, or anything that can force you out of seclusion. If there are concerns, go hide somewhere you can’t be found
  • Food and water. Hopefully having a survivalist mindset means these are already in place, enough to last a year or more
  • Communications. Even if that only means a battery-powered radio
  • Face masks
  • Steely reserve – no contact with the outside world

My plan involves me living in a tent near the family home. Any contact with the outside world will be made by just myself – and I expect there will be some need to venture out that I can’t predict. Anything I fetch can be left on the doorstep, and we can communicate by yelling or whatever.

Some people recommend a range of medical supplies – these are all good to have, but really you just need to hide away.

The key is to get your supplies in place before everyone else decides to. That would be now, before Ebola reaching your country makes the news.

Dark Matter & Quantum Physics: Solved

Two of the biggest mysteries in science are:

  • Where is all that dark matter hiding?
  • Why is the quantum world so weird?

It’s all to do with dimensions. Our universe consists of, at least, the second, third and fourth dimensions.

What we see and know is the third dimension.

The quantum world exists in the second dimension. Those quantum particles are so small we can’t tell, but they are 2D. And in 2D the rules are different.

Dark matter exists in the fourth dimension. Because we are in a 3D world, we generally can’t see the 4D world.

Occam’s Razor: the simplest answer is more likely to be correct. Mine is as concise as you will ever get 😉

Jesse Ventura v David Icke (wrestling but not really)

I actually have a lot of time for David Icke, but I would love to know what he really thought… In the early days he focussed on the lizard people, and these days he barely mentions them. He would be smart to admit a mistake. Instead we have this interview with Jesse Ventura:

The best evidence of shape-shifting reptilians is “an un-named friend of mine saw it”. That is basically zero evidence. And yet the pedophilia ring amongst the most prominent of Brits (MPs, royalty, etc) is something he correctly exposed many years ago.

Interesting chap. He can talk on stage for 9 hours to a captivated audience – but when he is asked basic questions, folds.

Mr Icke, convince me and I will spruik on your behalf. Seriously.

My Safe Spot Revealed On National TV

When they film you for 6 hours, they can edit it down to whatever they wish. Ultimately I think it is quite well made, although the original reason they requested to film me – to discuss the risk of solar storms – just isn’t there 🙁


  • They didn’t give any clues as to my location, there was even a red herring from the road sign they showed
  • Didn’t include any faux pas or me stumbling over my words
  • Showed some of my storing food tips at Aldi


  • Edited out whenever I mentioned that I always thought a 2012 doomsday was unlikely (but a good excuse to prepare)
  • They filmed my family as well, but preferred to make it look like I was a loner
  • The discussion about solar storms wasn’t there – that was why I agreed to do it. That information could inspire others to prepare

Here it is at SBS:

And YouTube:

Again: How Dangerous is Ebola?


So we see images like the one above, and get the sense that if you are treating Ebola sufferers, you are fully protected and safe from harm. We are also told that the main reason Ebola is still spreading is due to ignorance and practices such as hugging the dead.

Then you read this (New York Times):

The health minister of Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, said more cases beyond the 14 known ones could arise, but thus far all are linked to Patrick Sawyer, a Minnesota resident who was very ill when he arrived in Lagos on a flight from Liberia and died soon after, on July 25.

Twelve people who had contact with Mr. Sawyer, in the hospital or in the car that took him there, have fallen ill. Two doctors, two nurses and the driver have died.

To be fair, Sawyer insisted that he did not have any contact with the virus, and initially the doctors tested him for malaria and AIDS (source). But it sounds like anyone who came near him caught Ebola. That means it is spreading far more easily than authorities are letting on. That also means it is one mutation closer to being unstoppable. 


How Dangerous is Ebola?

I don’t wish to alarm anyone unnecessarily.


At this stage it seems fairly clear that Ebola only spread in West Africa due to poor hygiene, funeral practices and lack of knowledge amongst the general population. And that it is unlikely to spread in places like the USA. In the USA people typically don’t hug the dead, and don’t “rescue” Ebola patients from hospitals.

Yet there is the disturbing fact that western health professionals, who presumably have taken all necessary cautions, are still catching it. In droves!

According to the World Health Organization (WHO):

Health-care staff fear for their lives. To date, more than 170 health-care workers have been infected and at least 81 have died.

Some are saying that Ebola has mutated, and it now has airborne transmission. Authorities say it doesn’t, yet are not explaining why so many doctors are catching the disease. This could be a deliberate ploy to stem fear.

If Ebola is airborne, it may have mutated in other ways as well. We have been told that the infected are only contagious when they are showing symptoms. Were that to change, we would be screwed. The global pandemic that has long been predicted could be about to happen.

I find it extraordinary that multiple infected people have been transferred to hospitals in western countries (2 to the USA, 1 to Spain). Why risk millions of lives to save one or two?

We are told that the hospital in Atlanta has the finest facilities in the world for such situations. But that never means 100% perfect.

Post-SHTF: How To Charge Batteries

After TEOTWAWKI there will be enough regular batteries to last us a while, but when they all run out there will be some savvy survivalists using rechargeable batteries. But how to recharge them if there is no electricity? Here are some ideas, but you need to buy and use them now. Unless noted, they charge your devices directly.

BikeCharge Dynamo. Dynamos have been on bicycles for decades to power lights. This one will charge your batteries. The Dynamo ($120), attaches to your bike’s wheel; the Power Converter ($30), turns the energy from the turning wheel into usable power; and that power is stored in the 2,600 mAh Power Pack ($59.99). Use the Power Pack to charge devices via its USB port.


PowerPot. For $150 you get a little camp stove that, aside from boiling water or cooking a meal, charges your device at the same time.

nPowerPeg. If there’s one activity you are almost guaranteed to partake in after the SHTF, it would be walking. This $200 device is powered by you, just by doing some walking. Kinetic energy.

Eton FRX4. Powered by the Sun, or via a hand-crank. Splash-proof and drop-proof. Includes a radio and flashlight. $80.

Mercury 4-S Ultra-Slim. Foldable solar panels. Cheap, portable solution. $33

July 2012 Solar Storm – Biggest Ever – Could Happen Again Soon!

“If it had hit, we would still be picking up the pieces,” said Daniel Baker of the University of Colorado this week.


“In my view, the July 2012 storm was in all respects at least as strong as the 1859 Carrington event,” said Baker. “The only difference is, it missed.”

On 23 July 2012, two coronal mass ejections (CME) burst out of the Sun’s surface within 15 minutes of each other and headed out into space at more than 3,000km per second. If they had erupted nine days earlier Earth would have been directly in its path. Instead, NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) satellite was perfectly positioned to record the blast.

For a paper [PDF] in the journal Space Weather, scientists analyzed the data from STEREO and found that the CMEs were the largest yet measured – and could even have exceeded the notorious 1859 Carrington event. Had they hit us, the resulting electromagnetic disturbance could have taken out most of the GPS network, communications satellites, electrical grids and some servers.

But we may not be so lucky next time, and research published in February by physicist Pete Riley shows solar storms of this magnitude are more common than first thought.

Riley went through the last 50 years of solar data and calculated that the chances of a Carrington-class storm hitting Earth over a decade were 12 per cent. See the full paper.

All the above is from a recent article at The Register.

And below is from a more in-depth article at NASA:

A paper in the March 2014 edition of Nature Communications by UC Berkeley space physicist Janet G. Luhmann and former postdoc Ying D. Liu describes the process: The July 23rd CME was actually twoCMEs separated by only 10 to 15 minutes. This double-CME traveled through a region of space that had been cleared out by yet another CME four days earlier. As a result, the storm clouds were not decelerated as much as usual by their transit through the interplanetary medium.

“It’s likely that the Carrington event was also associated with multiple eruptions, and this may turn out to be a key requirement for extreme events,” notes Riley. “In fact, it seems that extreme events may require an ideal combination of a number of key features to produce the ‘perfect solar storm.'”