
Graham Hancock and an Indistinct Tug-of-War

More specifically, one-sided admiration, and deservedly so.

Graham Hancock’s Fingerprints of the Gods was wonderful in many ways, and it also was my first encounter with the ancient Mayan calendar. While Hancock was seemingly not interested in being a quack who predicted a 2012 doomsday, I was. Yes, I quantified and qualified it, but there was pretty much only myself, Patrick Geryl (gone to ground) and Laurence E Joseph (books removed from sale).

My opinion: I put more effort into researching a 2012 doomsday than anyone else. It was my baby. Consequently I came up with what I believe to be original ideas:

  • The Great Pyramid is a survival bunker
  • 2012 (+/- a few years) marks the return of a comet, possibly a dark comet
  • Noah’s Ark was a bunker, not a boat

With Magicians of the Gods in 2015, Graham Hancock published a sequel to Fingerprints… And it included:

Calculations indicate that this presently invisible object… around the year 2030 [will come close to Earth]

He also shares the concept that a build-up of tar can render the comet invisible. All I understood was that the melting and removal of ice would stop it being shiny.

His instruction to build an underground shelter where some remnant of humanity could take refuge

Hancock beats around the bush (a lot) but indirectly says that Noah’s Ark was a bunker. He only nominates Cappadocia, which suggests to me that he was not aware of my additional Iran suggestion

I feel that Hancock gave a lot to me, and has taken a little (or nothing) from me. Be aware that you cannot copyright ideas…

So now it is – to my mind – my turn. I hope to take a lot of Hancock’s ideas, and those of others, and try to nail a hypothesis and timeline for the mysterious elders, something nobody else has seemed to have attempted. Instead they play join-the-dots and perhaps-it-could-be questions.

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