(this is all legit. I have zero belief in the Bible, but all these together are uncanny)
And the Acronym of the Beast shall be MAGA and people will have it on their foreheads.
Recall that Trump retweeted someone calling him the King of Israel, and then he called himself “The Chosen One” https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2019/08/21/i-am-chosen-one-trump-again-plays-messianic-claims-he-embraces-king-israel-title/
But what about 666? Is it related to money via this $666M deficit under Trump’s reign?
Or people with these 666 migrant kids separated from their parents:
Or his grandmother. middle name Christ, who died on 6/6/66, and her name literally means “vow for Christ to be trumped” <<<FREAKY
And Trump Tower is 664 feet high – I bet you it is actually 666
And finally, how about this property, which was the highest price ever paid for an office building: